Happiness as a Second Language

Did you grow up in a house where everyone spoke Greek? If this is the case, chances are that you naturally know to speak Greek, and would otherwise have to learn, step by step, one lesson at a time.

So ... you grew up in a house where everyone was happy? If this is the case, chances are that you know how to be happy naturally, and if not, should learn, step by step, one lesson at a time.

Happiness happiness second language teaching in the same way you learn a language that is not spoken at home. It starts with the most basic concepts of happiness - learn to say that you are happy and how to count the things that make you happy. The lessons then use more complex techniques - happy days and weeks, bright colors, happy nouns, verbs and adjectives, and finally to advanced concepts, including overcoming the negative and understanding of past, present and future tense and "uncertain future".

Being happy is completely at your fingertips, but you have to work to get there.
Happiness as a Second Language is on sale now.
For print copies: https://www.createspace.com/4242890
For Kindle copies: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CLUUSUY

Does Nature Make Us Happy?

“Turn your face toward the sun and the shadows will fall behind you.” ~Maori Proverb
Imagine a graph showing the number of hours that the average person spends on air today compared to 50 years ago. Imagine a graph showing the number of people suffering from depression, stress and anxiety compared to 50 years ago.

I'm sure there would be a direct correlation between the two graphs; decreased the other has increased.

As we turned to nature, we have lost our natural source of happiness. Put our faces to the sun again, we find sustainable and more happiness.

My life has led me to nature, away from her and back into the heart of nature again. Now I know that there are simple ways we can all reconnect with nature and if we live in the city, the woods, or somewhere in between.

I grew up on the west coast of Scotland, between the waves of the Atlantic and the hills. The village where I spent the first 17 years of my life had a population of 17 people, and we were 60 miles from the nearest cinema or swimming pool.

Primary school population peaked a year when we had 12 students gathered within 10 miles. 5-12 we have learned in a classroom by a teacher. They closed the school the following year I went to school because there was only one student left.

I could not wait to change the field for another wild type wild. When I grew up, I wanted boys, lights, great excitement and culture of the city, so I leaned in London.

On a daily basis my senses were assaulted by the bustle of urban life.

I was wide-eyed in the advertising posters in the subway and the hordes of people who came and were with me in an eclectic mix of style, race and age. I am absorbed in the beating heart of the bustling city and the countryside I forgot that I had left.

Never consciously relax landscape of lost childhood and my connection to the wild. She was tired of another type of wild.

Normally I spent Saturday morning trawling Camden Market for clothes and music; displace evenings timeless dark nights in bars and dance until dawn.

He gave me a party with galleries, museums, cinemas and theaters and I wandered the cobbled streets of Covent Garden to absorb the culture and color through all my senses streets. When Monday morning came around that the subway to my office and fired at work, almost without looking out the window.

No wonder I have migraines that lasted 3-4 days at a time. No wonder I became depressed, burned, exhausted, and disconnected from myself. No wonder I'm sick soul.

All my energy was in the welfare of the world active, busy and noisy. I did nothing to take care of myself, to recharge my energy and give me space and silence. All yang, yin not. Migraines are of my body to say that something had to change.

The turning point came when my doctor suggested I do a yoga class rather than my migraines increased drug against pain. The first yoga class was a homecoming, a return to a place of peace within me. I was in love!

The more I practiced yoga more patted me on the infinite wisdom of my body. I listened when my body did not want to get caught in an opening of the gallery or the latest movie. My body told me he did not want more alcohol and certainly did not want the line underground clubs punchy bass.

Through yoga, happy feelings that once seemed to come from external events began to come from a place deep within me.

The more I felt comfortable being quietly before me, who called me in nature.

Gradually, I moved to the southern outskirts of the city and we spent the weekend walking along the river and read books on park benches.

And then it was time to return to the Scottish countryside to create a nest for the baby growing in my belly. I had to heal and remember how to be yin and yang. I had to soak me so deeply in nature I want your touch wherever they live.

I found that reconnecting with nature is the journey back home, find inner peace and deep connection of the soul.

I would like to share with you my favorite 5 ways to connect with nature for you:

1 slow. Rhythm of nature.

When you walk slowly, breathe more slowly and you will feel more relaxed. As the speed decreases, begin to notice the nature around him.

It may be a small piece of foam in a crack in the pavement or a tree you've ever seen before. Look around slowly and consciously and see what you find when you install this natural rhythm of being.

February. Barefoot Try to breathe.

Human beings are the only creatures to place a shoe between the sole and the soul of the earth. The simple removal of shoes and barefoot on tribal land meets a need for reconnection.

Find out-of-doors a quiet corner of the park, a quiet spot in your garden, or your favorite wild place instead.

Take your shoes off, close your eyes and take slow deep breaths soft 100 barefoot feel the sun on your face, the air on your skin, and the warm heart of the earth through the soles.

Three. Spend time observing the cloud.

When was the last time you turn on the grass and watch the clouds float in the sky above you? I bet you did as a child, but did not nearly as much as an adult.

Cloud-observation clears the mind and brings peace of mind to all your senses. Try it in the evening when the sun paints the sky pink and orange on sunny days with a buzzing insect band, or a stormy day when you can see 10 shades of gray roll past just a few minutes .

April. Hug a tree.

When you think of the trees that the words come to mind? Forte? Grand? Sculptural? Forte? Antigua? The oldest trees in the world have lived for thousands of years and are based on trees to produce the oxygen we need to breathe.

"Tree-hugger" is often used jokingly, but hugging a tree is an easy way to recharge your energy levels to absorb all the strength and goodness oxygen rich! Lean in close and put your cheek against the trunk. feel the texture of the bark on the skin and opens its arms to embrace the tree.

May Plant spirit medicine.

Indigenous peoples of the world speak of the spirit of the plants used for healing. The spirit of a plant is greater than the sum of all the active ingredients, and you can operate the plants. Ever noticed how you are attracted to certain plants and cut flowers at different times of your life?

Go to a place with flowers and turn your awareness in your heart, focusing on her soft breathing in and out.

From this location, the power connection, note that the flowers attract the most appeal to your heart? Spend time to absorb its beauty and be open to the idea that you give the healing you need more.

So whenever you want to feel happy or inspired or soothed or remember your true nature, head and turn your face toward the sun.

The Importance of Health, Fitness, and Wellness

If you live to be 100 years or more, then it is certain that we absolutely physically able to enjoy life when we get there. I am a lover of words, children make decisions but adults make decisions. If you're like most of us, who spent most of his life until now, chasing the almighty dollar and try his best to care for and support his family. If I had the time to take care of himself, not even remember thinking, we were lucky. Now that you're on the back side of 50, the short side of time, it is time to do so.

Want to keep on top of things, especially health. In addition, exercise is very important. When you become a regular exercise "retired" sitting around and watching cars rust and the grass actually grows is "nowhere man, and I say Amen to that. Keeps the heart healthy and keeps you focused.

You need to eat right arm. Place the fat and salt that caused some of the living conditions of "old" and. A table of food for the elderly and read it. Instead of frying, try boiled, grilled or baked. Enjoy fruit instead of sweets and do not forget the "no sugar added" juice keep blood sugar under control

Also, find a hobby and leave the house on a regular basis. And by the way, there is nothing wrong when you can walk instead of driving or riding. When I see these old Conservative riding around the shops in electric cars when there is nothing wrong with his legs just want to strangle them. At an advanced age, the choice is either to make or oxidation. It is expected that his physical condition deteriorates a little older age, but it would be better to go through it by being busy that I rot in bed. The simple exercise of walking can also reduce the amount of toxins from the body that may have accumulated. It refines and tones the muscles, especially the heart and bones too.

A national survey of sexual attitudes of high-level and behavior of the United States found that most people between 57 and 85 believe that sex is an important part of life and that the frequency of sexual intercourse, by which are active, declines only slightly between 50 and 70. the same survey also revealed sexual activity is closely linked to overall health, which was even more important than age.

If you've never been interested in herbal supplements or vitamins you might be interested to know that the botanical kingdom offers a range of healing powers and breathtaking beauty. If you're feeling a bit low or depressed, you can try an antidepressant like Prozac, or a form of psychotherapy, perhaps. But 7.5 million Americans who suffer from depression have chosen an extract made ​​from a beautiful flower, bright yellow ... wort.

Chamomile has been studied and found effective in preventing migraine headaches, reduce the number of headaches suffered by as much as 70 percent, or the reduction and control of nausea pain commonly experienced with this type of pain head.

Cutter is an herb and restoration of powerful lymphatic system; blades is beneficial to help swollen glands, tonsillitis and adenoid problems. Internal and external, is effective in the treatment of inflammation, including the reduction of skin diseases, burns and rashes.

Echinacea is a "preventative" plant. Not used in a product today, but it is announced by many herbalists as one of the best blood purifiers and an effective antibiotic. He is a fighter generalized infection, and is considered an immune system stimulant that increases the production of T cells that fight infection.

Coffee is the most popular herbal in the United States drink; to fight against drowsiness, temporarily increases athletic performance, relieve congestion due to colds and flu, prevent asthma attacks and increases the effects of pain relief aspirin. In addition, in one study, black and green tea appeared protective against fat accumulation of arterial plaque.

Today, for most of our lives, we had a completely different view of previous generations, who are more active, more demanding, and we have a longer life expectancy. Better known as "Baby Boomers". Now it's our turn to relax and enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Can Money Really Buy Happiness?

"Everyone has-been said that if you spend your money on life experiences that make you happier, purpose, find that this is not always the case," said Ryan Howell, assistant professor psychology SF State.
"Extremely buyers Materials You represent about a third of the population in general are a bit stuck. They are not happy with any purchase.
Because this is the material When buyers purchase life experiences, they are not happier because buying is likely "according to your personality and values​​.
Purpose If they spend on material things are not better either, because others may criticize or belittle your options.
When buyers purchase experience material life are not happier because it is "out of proportion to their values. Purpose if they spend money on material things, they are afraid of being criticized by others. Researchers found materials buyers feel closest friends after a purchase experience, however. Picture in Picture
When buyers purchase experience material life are not happier because it is "out of proportion to their values. Purpose if they spend money on material things, they are afraid of being criticized by others. Researchers found materials buyers feel closest friends after a purchase experience, however. Picture in Picture
"I'm a baseball fan I say." Go spend money in a lifetime experience ", and bought tickets to a baseball game, it would be true to who I am, and probably make you happy" said Howell.
'On the other hand, I'm not a big museum guy. If you have purchased tickets to an art museum, I spend money on a life experience that seems to be the best choice, because the goal is not true to my personality, I will not be happy any result. "
Reasons Someone buys a lifetime experience: such as opera tickets in the photo, which does not reflect their personality understands the desire to adapt to other
Reasons Someone buys a lifetime experience: such as opera tickets in the photo, which does not reflect their personality understands the desire to adapt to other
Altho the link between experiential purchases beens shown happiness and well, says Howell Few studies have examined the types of people should live any benefit.
To do this, he and his colleagues interviewed buyers to know if there was a limit factoring momentum happy shopping experience.
The researchers found that those who tend to spend money on material things reported no impulse experiential happiness.
Since those crossing is not to give them a greater sense of "expression of identity" - the belief that bought something that reflects your personality.
"The results show that it is not correct to say to everyone:" If you spend money on life experiences that you will be happier, "For we must take into account the values buyer, "said Jia Wei Zhang, main study author.
Reasons Someone buy a life experience that does not reflect your personality include a desire to fit in or Spend time with others, according to Zhang.
Researchers discover that feel closer family friends for buyers material or purchase by the experience afterwards.
However, this feeling of closeness was not enough to compensate for the absence of terms of identity and thus provide impetus happiness.
"There are many reasons someone might buy something, Howell said, but if the reason is to maximize happiness, the best you can do for that person is to acquire a life experience that is online with his personality. "

Green tea drink of happiness

Humans have prepared the leaves in hot water for 500,000 years. 79000000000 Americans drank a lot of tea last year, or 3.6 billion gallons in total.

So, clearly, we are very invested in the hot material - such as tea-growing new Starbucks - but what we invest in? Further research on the relationship between nutrition and the brain helps explain why tea time is an essential part of the day - for the components of tea help to be more alert, relaxed and healthier in the long term.
The exact amount of stimulation
As you have experienced first hand, caffeine has important effects on people, the most famous acting as a stimulant and reduce drowsiness.

As University of Chicago behavioral pharmacologist said Emma Childs, caffeine increases alertness, because it prevents adenosine sedative to work at the reception.

"Adenosine has sedative effects," she said, "so by blocking the effects of adenosine, is trying to increase the central stimulation. Really increase the activity of the central nervous system."

Thus, drinks containing caffeine, such as tea give us more energy, because we block the signal to our brain that we are tired. But do not think for the rest of caffeine: Caffeine makes you less tired as an afternoon nap or an extra hour of sleep could, but will not give the depth of the restoration and consolidation of the memory that the sleep helps.

The exact amount of relaxation
Beyond caffeine, tea has another killer app, and it applies only to the sheet: theanine, an amino acid present in black and green tea acid, especially matcha, gyokuro anji bai cha and varieties . A review of the research suggests that theanine reduces anxiety and calm us, increasing the number of inhibitory neurotransmitters (balance our moods out) and modulates serotonin and dopamine (which is good for us).

Huffington Post writer and naturopathic doctor Natasha Turner captures the causality:

Theanine is by increasing the production of GABA in the brain. As the effects of the way of meditation, but also stimulates alpha brain waves that are associated with deep states of relaxation and improved mental clarity. L-Theanine may improve learning, attention and feelings of pleasure too. These effects are probably due to the impulse of natural dopamine caused by L-theanine. If you're wondering how something with caffeine can actually relax, L-theanine balance the stimulating effects of caffeine so stay alert without feeling jittery.
Tea is full of antioxidants that thearubigins, epicatechin and catechin, which beyond being fun to say, have powerfully excellent results: they protect our cells against free radicals, thereby protecting against the formation of blood clots , cancer, or hardening of the arteries. In addition, research suggests that regular tea drinkers have a lower risk of heart disease and stroke, and reduce cholesterol.

In other words, you do not need to be a tasseographist knows that drinking tea predicts a healthy and productive future.

How do you plan to enjoy the holidays?

The summer months are a busy holiday period, especially for those with children. Some people have the chance to get out of the entire summer period. Those with children may find it convenient to decamp to a vacation spot where there are lots of other organized activities for children and entertaining.

Other people prefer to enjoy the summer months, the hours of the longest day and the best time, taking the time to hike the countryside, the beach or sightseeing.

Let's look at some ways you can plan to enjoy the holidays:

- Plan ahead. Dates to share with people in the same situation as you, arrange time for everyone is available for connection time. Thus, both children and adults can have fun and a good time enjoying each other's company.

- By organizing things in a group can share the driving, the cost of petrol and the hassle of restoration, and the responsibility and supervision to entertain the kids while they play. Otherwise, as a parent, it may be worthwhile to volunteer to take care of several children at a time to a play date; this way you will have loads of reciprocal time.

- Use what is free. Parks, museums, beaches do not pay admission. Also pay attention to the many places that offer great deals on holidays tickets or meal deals. Organize a scavenger hunt, watch nature, crafts, ball games can be more than one afternoon happy for little or no cost.

- Have a plan B. If a barbecue or a picnic, but what if the bad weather ruined the plans? Kids love a picnic outdoors; a sheet on the floor of the room can seem very exciting for them. Adults are often surprised to see how you can have fun games or charades. And these are often unexpected opportunities improvised month recalled fondly.

- Doing things as a family. Make an effort to schedule time for outings with your partner and / or children. A bike ride, day at the beach, walk in the park or time spent planning a mini-project in the garden are cheap ways to enjoy each other's company. It is good to take time to relax and spend time together sharing happy moments and build stronger relationships.

- Time last vacation by yourself can be fun, especially if you plan well. If you dread the summer spending is to try to plan special activities and things charming and potentially turning a difficult time into something beautiful and relaxing. Plan your vision, plan your favorite foods, refresh your home with clean sheets and flower vases. Organize the things that make you feel good. Be proactive and occasionally invite friends or neighbors back for a lunch or light brown. Join a walking group or a social club where you can mingle with people who have similar interests to yourself.

- Do not forget to leave some free time to be spontaneous. Not every moment has to be choreographed. Enjoy the time spent in the garden, read, watch a movie or just relax and do nothing. And if it results in a sudden and unexpected opportunity or feel the need to get up and go somewhere, call someone or visit a place that is in a position where it is able.

Susan Leigh is a Counsellor and Hypnotherapist who works with stressed individuals to promote confidence and self belief, with couples who are experiencing relationship difficulties to improve communications and understanding and with business clients to support the levels health and motivation of individuals and teams.

Effective Ways to Drop Pounds in a Week without Exercising

Want to lose a few pounds quickly, but you do not want to exercise every day? Fortunately, there are some tried to lose weight in a week without running, jogging and other exercises ways. Patience, a little tweaking and time are all you need. So here are 7 ways to lose weight in a week without exercise.

1. Having a hearty healthy breakfast
Just because you are trying to lose weight in a week without exercise does not mean you should skip the most important meal of the day. If you're on a diet or not, keep a healthy hearty breakfast each morning. Of course, this does not mean eating bacon, meat, soup or more additional pancakes in the morning. Breakfast should be filled with protein, which helps control hunger. In addition, opt for healthy snacks throughout the day.

Two. Eat small portions
Reduce the portion size is a proven way to lose unwanted weight form. Take a small plate instead of a large and focus on eating more meat and vegetables instead of potatoes, pasta and rice. Do not worry, the meat does not cause weight gain, of course, if you eat in moderation.

Three. Follow a no carb diet
Another step to take to lose weight in a week without exercise is to cut all carbs. Stick to a no-carb diet is difficult and sometimes stressful, but it is very important. Avoid consumption of starches, fruits and refined sugars. You need to eat protein. While this is not the best strategy for weight loss in the long term, they will definitely help you lose those extra pounds in a week.

April. Drink water
Drink a glass of water before and after meals. Water has no calories, and helps you feel full and help you eat less. If you eat too often and this is the main reason why we gain weight, try drinking a glass of clear water before your meal. Not only will it help you lose weight in a week, but it will also help keep your weight under control on the road.

Can. Keep a food diary
One of the most effective ways to lose weight in a week without exercise ways is to keep a food diary. Write down everything you eat every day to know what you eat and what needs to change in your diet. Most people think of keeping a food diary is not an effective way to lose weight. But in reality, it is incredibly effective. In addition, it takes only a few minutes.

6. Getting enough sleep
Getting enough sleep is very important because when we are tired tend to eat more. If you are sleep deprived, it is not surprising that you have a big appetite. Therefore, if you want to lose several pounds in a week without exercise, make sure you get enough sleep each night. When you are sleep deprived, running or jogging is good for you.

Counting calories 7.
As keeping a food journal, calorie counting is also effective when it comes to weight loss. To reach your goal faster, set a limit of consumption of calories per day. This will reduce the amount of junk food you consume each day. While learning to count calories is not an easy thing, bring amazing results!

When it comes to losing weight, exercise is not always the best solution. Follow the above tips and you will definitely achieve your weight loss in a week. Have you ever tried to lose weight in a week without exercise?